Monday, June 2, 2008

We got bitten by the snake...

The Cobrasnake that is. Sweet. Skye told me that I'm now part of the "in" crowd. I dunno know if I wanna be a part of the "in" crowd. Is that all I need to do? Just get my photo taken and put on the Cobrasnake? I don't have to ride a $2000.00 fixed queer bike around town and get run over by cars? I don't have to hang out at Cinespace? Or wear a V-Neck tee shirt with an all over print? Or dress like a color blind middle aged down-syndrome guy? I don't have to have some hot ass slut hanging on me at all times... Oh wait, I got that one. I guess I'm in. Drinking beers all night with your wife at the hipster party while your six-month-old baby sleeps in his carriage while bands are playing a few feet away is what I think makes us part of the "in" crowd. See ya at Sejour on Thursday night bitches!

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