There's been all this talk about sharks lately. People have been spotting Great Whites, or what they think are great whites all up and down the coast in Southern California lately. Trails and San O in San Clemente have always been the spots where you see them, but Great Whites or any sharks for that matter aren't out to kill people. I mean, some guy did just get sawed in half by one in Solana Beach, but he was swimming in a pack of dudes that were training for the Olympics 100 yards past the lineup. What a retard, that's what pools are for. And then two different surfers were killed this month in mainland Mexico, but they probably had just eaten some Carne Asada, and everyone knows that sharks like meat and to stay out of the water at least 45 minutes after eating and at least 2 hours after eating Carne Asada. Duh. So me an Trev are gonna hit up San O in the morning and get some log time in, hopefully we wont see any sharks, but they're kinda cute anyway. Look at this one, looks just like Jonesy but a little darker. Same teeth. Same smile. They prob just wanna play in the backyard with a ball too.