Wednesday, July 18, 2007

dentists fucking suck!

I didn't used to mind going to the dentist. I actually kinda liked it, cause my mouth feels so clean afterwards. I've never been scared of the dentist, its just more of an annoyance than anything. But whatever, you deal with it just like everything else. Now, I hadn't been to the dentist in a long time and when Juli and I got married and she then had dental insurance, she convinced me to go back. Whatever, I went; they said I had some plague build up and scraped the shit out of my gums - but that was it. Overall my mouth was in good shape. Juli on the other hand was a different story. See, she was trained as a child to hate and fear the dentist, therefore she hadn't been in even longer than me. Her teeth needed crowns and fillings and thingamabobs and shit, and all I know is that now I'm stuck with the fucking bill, so fuck the dentist and their $600 crowns. I joined the crowd, I hate them now too.