Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Wifey slash Mama!

Today is Juli's 29th birthday! She is the most awesome girl in the world, the best wife, best friend, best mom to our kids, etc, etc, etc... I'm so lucky. Love you Babe! Here are a bunch of old photos of us from when we first started dating in 2005, and beyond.

This was the first time she met my parents about a month after we started hanging out in Florida at my cousin's wedding. Two minutes after this photo, she was so wasted she fell out of her chair in front of everyone. My family laughed and clapped, and my aunt said, "Oh, she's a Marshall!"

This was later that same night, we went looking for a place to get water at 1 am and ended up in a Hooka Lounge. It was strange...

Going out for Juli's bachelorette party at Beat It!

At Hurst Castle in 2005

At my company Xmas party in 2006

Super duper drinking team... well we used to be!

At her Dad's house in Mexico in 2006 - one of our fav places!

Out in San Diego one night in 2007 at ASR. Can you tell that I have no recollection of this night?

1 comment:

Medium said...

your an amazing hubby