Monday, March 30, 2009

Another beautiful weekend in Mexico!

Last friday afternoon, after a hard day at work (seriously) I came home, cracked open a beer and ask the wife if she wanted to do anything special this weekend. Instead of the typical answer of chores and nothing, she said... "Let's go down to Mexico!" So that's what we did. We threw our gear together in under an hour (amazing!) and headed south to pick up my brother Robbie and his wife Marcella in Encinitas. They took us to their favorite restaurant on the way down in Rosarito, but I forget the name... the lamb tacos sure were good though. We made it to the house just before midnight and tucked into bed. Saturday the weather was absolutely gorgeous, the waves were pretty small, but clean - we spent the day sitting in the sun with a cooler full of beers and a bottle of Havana Club, thanks to Uncle Tom. We cooked up some carne asada, ate some wonderful tamales from a girl that knocked on the door selling them (for $10 pesos each... .75 cents!) and went to bed early. Sunday my brother went fishing so I surfed fun head high waves for a hour all by myself and then we hit the road for the ride home. Yo amo Mexico.

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