Thursday, June 26, 2008

Going to the Land Down Under?

I don't want to jinx anything... but things look like they are lining up right... Maybe there is something to this prayer stuff... Looks like Vaughn has a good chance of having an Australian accent... Needless to say, we are getting very excited. We'll keep you posted...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Some people aren't going to like this...

And they are the people that bought a Prius thinking they are going to save the world...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beach day in Newport!

We've had a heat wave from hell all week, it's been over 90 everyday and our house tends to get a bit hot, so this morning we got up early and loaded the car and headed down to the beach. We parked down by 12th street and got a good spot in the sand, I jumped in the water and caught a few waves bodysurfing... water is about 70 degrees, nice and comfy. Juli and Vaughn were chilling under the umbrella and took a little nap for a while. We took Vaughn down to the water a few times and dipped his feet in to the same results - screaming! It is pretty cold once you first step in but only for a second. Even Juli managed to take a dip to cool off. There were a bunch of little kids all playing around us - I can't wait for Vaughn to be old enough to run around and jump in the ocean! Ok, here's some pics...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Photos of the Vaughnster...

Had a few pics backed up on the camera, figured I'd get some off and email them to the grandparents, so I might as well put them on here too! These are from the last week or so around the house... more to come.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Vaughn ready for the beach!

Test from my iPhone.... I've stepped up the technology. Now blogging from anywhere via iPhone. Computers are crazy.

Monday, June 2, 2008

We got bitten by the snake...

The Cobrasnake that is. Sweet. Skye told me that I'm now part of the "in" crowd. I dunno know if I wanna be a part of the "in" crowd. Is that all I need to do? Just get my photo taken and put on the Cobrasnake? I don't have to ride a $2000.00 fixed queer bike around town and get run over by cars? I don't have to hang out at Cinespace? Or wear a V-Neck tee shirt with an all over print? Or dress like a color blind middle aged down-syndrome guy? I don't have to have some hot ass slut hanging on me at all times... Oh wait, I got that one. I guess I'm in. Drinking beers all night with your wife at the hipster party while your six-month-old baby sleeps in his carriage while bands are playing a few feet away is what I think makes us part of the "in" crowd. See ya at Sejour on Thursday night bitches!