Friday, December 14, 2007

It's fuckin' freezing here... Seriously!

So, this morning Vaughn was up around 6 am for his morning boob and Jonesy was whining to be let outside for a pee as usual. The last day or two, Juli has let him out to pee and told me about the frost on the grass in the backyard - but I didn't get out of bed to see it for myself even though she plucked a piece and brought it into the bedroom, I didn't think it was the entire yard, just a patch here or there. Now, this is Southern California and even though it has been unusually cold for this time of year there is no way a whole yard freezes in Costa Mesa, or does it? When I walked outside I thought there was something weird going on and with a little further inspection I saw that the backyard was frozen over. I ran inside to get the camera to document Jonesy tiptoeing across the ice to take a pee, and I even had to pick him up and carry him back inside since apparently he's a little pansy about getting his feet cold. Good thing I put on my slippers before wandering out. I'm wish I would have taken some video of him walking on the frozen grass, but I was a little too slow on the camera. I did, however get some good footage of Juli's left tater squirting a thick line of breast milk half way across our bedroom without even so much as a squeeze - but something tells me that she wouldn't be too stoked on me posting that video here.

It may be a white Christmas after all - even without Wade around!

Standing on ice in the backyard

Jonesy's weiner looked like a smoking gun after unleashing hot pee all over the ice field