Friday, August 10, 2007
Vaughn Royal Marshall
So.... I haven't told Juli this yet, but I always thought it was kinda stupid and totally pretentious that people would name their kids before they were born. And I guess it still is (especially if they aren't even conceived yet), but now I can see how at six months pregnant you already have a name. Juli and I went back and forth on about a dozen different names, and if I had a dollar for every time she said, "that's it, that's the name, its final!" I'd have... well... about 12 dollars. But then we finally have decided on a good boy's name: Vaughn. I suggested it, and Juli liked it. At first she said she was going to pick the name and I could pick the middle name, but since technically I came up with Vaughn, she has picked Royal for the middle name, because it apparently means Red in Gaelic, or Scottish, or Irish or all of them. I thought it was a cool, and then I realized the significance to Royal Tennenbaum and now I think its awesome. Hooray for Royal. Anyway, now the big thing is what the little booger will look like. Every time we go back to the doctor and get more ultrasounds we can see more and more of what he's gonna look like, Juli already thinks he's gonna look more like me (and hopefully he will being a boy). But any kid that's a cross between me and Juli is sure to look pretty damn good if you ask me. Anyway, my Pops sent these photos of me when I was a little tyke, and being that Juli had blonde hair too, it’s looking like there's a little toe-head on the way. If it comes out black, we may have a problem.